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A path to racial recognition and the pursuit of justice
Join Our Cause

About Us

The Unity Table is a safe place of gathering with people who don’t look like you, where questions can be asked, lessons can be learned and perspectives are broadened as we appreciate the special ways that God has created each of us.

Our Mission

To join people of all races together, believing in one God, and learning from each other

  • To take a stand against, as the church, through the power of prayer and reconciliation
  • Unite people of different races at the dinner table every 5th weekend of the month
  • Provide resources to make the conversation of race and justice easier

The Unity Table Concept

We want to unite people of different races at the dinner table every 5th weekend of the month


Table Members


What Happens When The Church Comes Together

How To Join The Unity Table

Sign Up

Click the link below to be counted in the number of table members

Download Resource Guide

We have created a resource guide to take out all of the guesswork so that the only thing you have to focus on is the meal!

Schedule Your Dinner

Begin reaching out to a family that you can share a meal with during the next 5th weekend